Choosing a business entity can be daunting task. Different entities have various tax implications. Whether it is sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company or corporation, we can help you decide the proper entity to suit your business goals.

Planning is critical to successfully starting and building a business. We can get you started on this very important activity by providing you guidance, tools, and resources necessary to write a winning business plan. Once your business is up and running, you’ll need to regularly review and update your plan to manage growth.

Starting a business requires you to complete a number of steps and make some key decisions. Though part of your overall plan, you’ll need to select a location, decide on a business structure, and obtain the necessary licenses and permits. In addition, determining which financing options will meet your short-term needs and long-term goals is crucial. We’ll provide information on these topics along with guidance on buying an existing business, copyright and trademark issues, and getting support from an outside expert.

Successfully managing a business requires specific management skills in addition to knowledge of key business practices. We can help you learn about leadership traits, decision-making skills, and how to manage your employees. Additionally, we’ll walk you through a host of important topics to manage your business including: marketing basics, setting prices, filing your business taxes, legal considerations, forecasting for future growth, and financing options.

Getting out of your business may not be important to you at this point. However, planning your exit strategy often involves more than just closing down. We can discuss practical options that include selling your business or transferring ownership. In the event that you decide it is time to close your business, you’ll learn about liquidation, filing bankruptcy and reviewing the IRS guide on shutting down.

